
GBC Pathfinder

Simplifying campus navigation for students and visitors.

person touching smartphone
person touching smartphone

In-campus mobile navigation application to facilitate ease in navigating difficult and complex college campus infrastructure by building a Pathfinder app

Navigating complex college campus infrastructures can be challenging for students, faculty, and visitors, resulting in wasted time, frustration, and potential delays.

Problem Statement

What it does?

Measurable Outcomes




Persona, Brainstorming, POV (Point Of View), and HMW (How Might We), wireframing.

Enhanced campus navigation and improved user experience, indicated by metrics such as:

  • Decreased average time to reach destinations on campus.

  • Increased user satisfaction scores related to navigation.

  • Reduction in the number of lost or confused visitors on campus.

  • Improved efficiency in finding classrooms, offices, and facilities.

  • Higher utilization of the app by the campus community.

This project is centered around creating a user-centric navigation app to address the challenges students face when navigating their college campus. The POVs and HMWs provide valuable insights into Student’s needs and expectations, emphasizing the importance of a more intuitive, reliable, and easy-to-use navigation system.

The project aims to minimize confusion and reduce the risk of arriving late to classes by designing an app with a simplistic UI that offers clear and precise directions. Through wireframes, the app will demonstrate its user-friendly interface and intuitive navigation features, ensuring a seamless and efficient experience for students and other users.

The app's development is inspired by Student’s need for reliable information and assistance with navigation. By bridging the gap between expectations and current capabilities, the app will become a go-to resource for campus navigation, providing accurate and up-to-date directions.

In conclusion, this project's app design aligns with Student's requirements and expectations, ensuring a reliable and straightforward and easy-to-use navigation system for the college campus.


Needs, Insights, Wireframes, User-Centric Design, Indoor Positioning, Data Visualization, Campus Navigation.


Based on needs and insights, came up with these Point of View (POVs).

Based on Point of View (POVs) came up with these How Might We (HMWs).

Brainstorming on POVs and HMWs, helped coming up with application wireframes with necessary features.